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Simple Church

I’ve been wracking my brain of late in an attempt to figure out how to multiply my influence with limited language skills. After spending a few days with some peers listening to their stories, and reading some great books, I’m still not sure I can wrap my brain around it. But tonight, as a new friend told his story, I heard something that resonated a bit: the world wide interwebs! Okay, yes, I know it’s the internet. Anyway, I thought I’d update my blog and just throw it out there: if you are interested in Simple Church and would like to strike up a conversation about it, hit me up! ESPECIALLY if you are in Hamburg (or Germany in general). Do you have to be in Hamburg to hit me up? Not at all! I’d love to visit with you about what you’re doing, and what we could be doing together!

Another idea I had was to re-establish a coaching posture through an online podcast about topics Simple Church people would find useful. Before I commit to that, I’d be interested in knowing if you’d “tune in.”

And, of course, I could write a book… But that’ll have to come later, when I’m not so busy!

Whatcha think? Hit me up!

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